What is yoga?
Yoga as a word has many different interpretations and definitions. The most common definition is that Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root words meaning ”to unite” or “to come together.” The practice of Yoga is done with intention and emphasizes directing our thoughts towards the yoga practice itself.
There are many different types of yoga including Raja, Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana. The most widely practiced form of yoga in the West is Hatha yoga which is defined by aiming to purify the body and eventually the mind through physical transformation.
The focus of Hatha yoga is on the asanas (postures) and breath work. It is through these two practices in Hatha yoga that we can achieve self-awareness, concentration, endurance, flexibility, and balance.
It is under the umbrella of Hatha yoga that the other styles of yoga like Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga can be presented in various classes depending on the preferences of the instructor.
At Jeet Victory Yoga, we are excited to bring you different types of Yoga for all skill levels.